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The Energy Archaeology Oracle Deck invites you into conversation with your bones. It is a gateway for accessing the wisdom held in your depths, and a translator for your bone-deep knowing.

Y O U R  B O N E S  K N O W

Your bones, physically and energetically, are your foundation. They flow and transmit energy and frequency according to the deepest resonance of Who You Are. This incredible intelligence flows through your marrow and is encoded within your energetic bone body.

These oracle cards are consciously created to help you access depths in your bones, and the wisdom held there, like never before.

Working with these cards and with your bones brings you into conversation with parts of yourself that have been calling out for attention, sometimes for years, sometimes for generations.

The Energy Archaeology® Oracle Deck is the first and only deck to put bone-deep embodiment in your hands! It is an oracle deck informed by the energy work modality of Ashley Stinson, and the synthesis of years of practice and work in the Embodied Realm of the bones.

✦ 48-card deck with each bone or group of bones in the human body represented
✦ Rich, evocative, and magical illustration
✦ Beautiful champagne gilded card edges
✦ Luxe card stock with a buttery matte ‘soft touch' finish that shuffles beautifully
✦ Traditional Tarot card size 2.75x4.75"/ 70x121mm
✦ 140-page full-color guidebook
✦ Guidebook sections:
— Understanding the deck - reading and interpreting the cards
— Working with the deck - how to use your deck +7 embodied intuition spreads
— Deepen your understanding - anatomy, bone Alchemy, Archetypal energy, Elemental correspondence, and hand dominance
— The Energy Archaeology Oracle - two-page spreads for each card including sections for: properties, anatomy, energy, wisdom, and reflection questions.

B U N D L E  I N C L U D E S
✦ Your 1st edition Energy Archaeology Oracle Deck
✦ The Energy Archaeology Guidebook
✦ Rigid upright lid and bottom box for storing and protecting your deck - signed and numbered for the first 1,000 orders!

Y O U R S  K E L E T O N  I S  M I R A C U L O U S

"It holds and translates the story of your lifetimes through the foundational energetic structure of your bones. It underpins and grounds your core energetic resonance in this lifetime, as well as data and energies being brought forward from your ancestral lineages, past lives, and other dimensional realities.

The Energy Archaeology Oracle Deck and accompanying guidebook have coalesced the framework of your energetic bone body and present a simple, usable way to understand how energy flows and functions at this level. The framework for embodied energy in these cards and throughout the following pages is a drastic departure from what you may have learned about your body or even your energy.

I have spent thousands of hours exploring this energetic scaffolding on my own and in individual and group sessions with clients. The wisdom presented in this deck and these pages is a knowing. It has come through me and is as natural as my beating heart. I didn’t learn what is presented here — I know it at the deepest level of my soul.
You could even say I know it in my bones.

This same knowing is in your bones and is waking up, as if stretching after a long slumber. You will feel it as you begin to work with this deck. A nudge here, a twinge there, the faintest whisper of truth as you read these words.

This deck and guidebook will help you understand the story contained within your foundational energetic anatomy.

This is the story of your bones.

Breathe in this wisdom and let it settle in your marrow." Xx - Ashley, the creator of the Energy Archaeology Oracle Deck + Guidebook

Energy Archaeology Oracle Deck + Guidebook

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