Good Habits for Life
Our goal is to inspire you, make you dream and travel, bring Nature to you, remind you of the little simple joyful things, share about where we live, creations we love.
daily Good Habits

your connexion to nature
What to do after a super stressful day
How to relieve stress after a long day? Get your cards, and bring them to the beach!
Cards have magic, they are showing us how to :
+ Free ourselves from limitations and problems that come from work or home...
+ To take time to identify fears and free them through movement and ... water's energy...
+ Enjoy who we are Now... just today... Tomorrow will be another day...
💧Fun Fact about water: Water is covering over 70% of the planet, our body is at 65% to 78% of water (depending on age), 31% of our dry bones are water... When we connect with water, we connect to what we are ... Hydrotherapy, a therapy with water that birthed in 19th century in Europe was and is still a method to treat anxiety and pneumonia, today it is used for burns and ulcers, for chronic health conditions, such as arthritis and fibromyalgia...
More Details :
💧 Know your EMotions with Tarot through this spread here
❤️ Some of the decks I used
*** Nest of Light Oracle by CoreMagik & Starchild Tarot
💍The Ring is from Argent Tonic, one of my favorite shops that create beautiful treasures handmade and pure materials ***Get 10 % OFF with this code*** NATURE : http://www.argenttonic.com/
A ritual to protect yourself in a crazy world
❤️ Subscribe & Like the video ❤️ 💧 in this video-project we help you to find good habits for life... How to protect yourself through a ritual from the crazy world we live in! **** FIND THE FULL RITUAL HERE : https://en.coremagik.com/post/a-ritua... 🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊🌊 ❤️ Some of the decks I used *** I used the intuitive deck created by Caroline Verdier “D’une Rive à l’Autre”, contact us here to order the deck : info.ouassima@gmail.com *** and Yarn by Mama Shamana, find it here : https://en.coremagik.com/yana-mori
How to change your perception like In ALice in WOnderland
🌳🌳🌳 How to change your perception like Alice in Wonderland ? Will it change the world? **** Perception is “the way you think about or understand someone or something”. Liminal spaces are available and easy to access, stepping into these spaces changes our perception about what we are and what the world is. What Liminal space is available to you today? How can you change your perception? If you want to explorer this topic, Ouassima suggest to explore the Perception, and Time through her new book : Tarot & Oracle 365 Days Challenge, For Mystic Souls, available here : https://www.amazon.com/Tarot-Oracle-C... #goodhabitsforlife Our goal is to inspire you, make you dream and travel, bring Nature to you, remind you of the little simple joyful things, share about where we live, creations we love. This video is made by our team: Idea : Ouassima Filmed : Ulyana Music : Dj Dariz